Who We Are
NGO is an environmental solution provider, teamed up by excellent, dynamic, young engineers together with experienced experts from different backgrounds and nationalities, with outstanding strength in application of advanced technologies in pollution treatment including wastewater treatment, emission treatment, solid waste management and water supply. We always STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE and NEVER STOP LEARNING to provide INNOVATIVE solutions to our customers at LESS COST, because we consider creating social value as the core foundation and wish there are more and more organizations can afford for applying solutions and equipment for the purpose of environment protection.
Given increasingly serious climate change, affecting on lives and activities of many residential and production areas, we look forward to participating actively and responsibly in the mission of Fighting climate change for a better life and a better future for all.

To become the most innovative and cost effective solutions provider

To our customers: Excel in providing innovative, cost efficient environment solutions to satisfy the needs of our customers

Core Value
We create our excellence based on the corporate culture with 5 core values: Simplicity, Innovation, Dedication, Integrity and Teamwork.
History of Technology
Total number of projects implemented and applied MBR-X technology are nearly 500, introduced to Vietnam
Completed research of technology MBR-Y, the next generation of MBR-X, help to reduce futher footprint, cost of wastewater treatment plant
60000 m2 membrane was produced and sold within this year
The revolutionary plate MBR production line put into production
Invested in 4F membrane separation tech, produced PVDF and PTFE membranes
MBR-X was exported to Germany and passed the quality test of SMS Siemag
Website www.PLCing.com began to run to monitor online service
First advanced treatment and reuse equipment start running
MBR-X technology was first time implemented in CETP of Baosteel Group
Membrane research laboratory