1. Operating principle
Wastewater treatment by microorganisms adsorb on suspended solids. Water quality depends on the sedimentation ability of activated sludge and the magnitude of the reactor tanks
Process reaction is aerobic microorganisms (tank aeroten)

2. Advantages
- Less investment because the cost mainly include civil work and some equipment such as aeration, pump, mixer. No advanced technology is applied.
- Many suppliers can provide CAS solution
- Outlet water quality can meet B or A standard, depend on the size of tanks

3. Disadvantages
- Outlet water quality depends on sedimentation ability of activated sludge and size of tanks. For good outlet water quality, will require more land area to build up system.
- Concentration of activated sludge in CAS system normally remains in the range from 3-5g/L, so that sludge can settle down, If Concentration is higher, sludge can over flow or turbility of outlet water may increase
- Generate large amount of surplus sludge, cost of sludge treatment is very high
- Higher power cost to provide oxygen to maintain live biomass
- Outlet water quality may fluctuate, because sedimentation of sludge depends on many factors such as temperature, MLSS concentration, organic load and hydraulic load of inlet waste water, etc
- Require large footprint
- Require disinfection chemicals
- Rarely meet the requirment of Amoni (NH4) treatment
4. Common design
If your business is interested in solution to inlet water treatment, or has a demand for ion exchange materials, please contact NGO via phone number (024) 3566 8225 or email for direct consultation.
Source: NGO
Wastewater treatment
A standard domestic wastewater
B standard domestic wastewater
Pig Farm Wastewater
Textile dyeing wastewater
Paper industry wastewater solution
Textile Dyeing Wastewater & Industrial Washing
Slaughter wastewater treatment solution
Aquaculture wastewater
Starch wastewater
Petroleum wastewater
Beer wastewater
Other industrial wastewaters
BioPM - Organic Industrial wastewater treatment solution
MBR solutions
Conventional activated sludge (CAS)
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
Anaerobic- Anoxic-Aerobic (AAO)
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Physical & Chemical methods
Supply water treatment
Cooling system water
Water treatment for food and Beverage production
Ultra pure water supply solution for electronic industry
Pure water supply for pharmaceutical manufacturers
Water Supply treatment with ion exchange method
Ordor Treatment