1. Operating principle of sequencing batch reactor
Treatment of wastewater by microorganisms tack on suspended solids such as CAS, but the process is designed by operating cycles, each cycle consisting of 5 steps: water supply, agitation, aeration, sedimentation and water discharge. Duration of each treatment cycle (called batches) depending on design.
2. Advantages
- Process is simplier than AAO or CAS beccause aeration tank and settling tank are merged into one tank, OR anoxic tank and aerobic tank are merged into one tank, save more space
- Suitable for small capacity projects or projects that waste water only discharge during a certain imeslot in a day
- No need sludge return from settling tank to Aerobic tank, or from aerobic tank to anoxic tank, avoid microbial leaching in the aeration tank.
- Quality of produce water can be controlled better than CAS AAO because the amound and loading of waste water can be controlled by batch
- Saving some equipment compared to continuous treatment process
3. Disadvantages
- Control the process is difficult, requiring the operator to have higher qualifications to regularly monitor the processing of steps
- There is a risk that produced waste water may come with muds of hard deposit characteristic, cause floating scum
- Because sludge settling tank is combined with aeration tank, sludge concentration may reach high and cause air blower's block
- Not suitable for projects with large capacity, and discharge continously thorough the day
If your business is interested in solution to inlet water treatment, or has a demand for ion exchange materials, please contact NGO via phone number (024) 3566 8225 or email for direct consultation.
Source: NGO
Wastewater treatment
A standard domestic wastewater
B standard domestic wastewater
Pig Farm Wastewater
Textile dyeing wastewater
Paper industry wastewater solution
Textile Dyeing Wastewater & Industrial Washing
Slaughter wastewater treatment solution
Aquaculture wastewater
Starch wastewater
Petroleum wastewater
Beer wastewater
Other industrial wastewaters
BioPM - Organic Industrial wastewater treatment solution
MBR solutions
Conventional activated sludge (CAS)
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
Anaerobic- Anoxic-Aerobic (AAO)
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Physical & Chemical methods
Supply water treatment
Cooling system water
Water treatment for food and Beverage production
Ultra pure water supply solution for electronic industry
Pure water supply for pharmaceutical manufacturers
Water Supply treatment with ion exchange method
Ordor Treatment