According to Decree No. 80/2014/NĐ-CP of Government dated August 2016 regarding wastewater drainage and treatment, wastewater from drainage system of municipal area, industrial zone, concentrated rural residential area discharging into receiving source must meet environmentally technical specification of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
In which, wastewater from factories in industrial zone discharging into concentrated drainage system of industrial zone must comply with prevailing regulations on environmental management in industrial zone, in particular, QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT specification, which stipulate that B-Standard is the lowest applicable level.
For enterprises locating outside Industrial Zone, Industrial Complex, treatment standard shall comply with QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT, column B or A.
1. In the treatment of domestic waste water, which parameter is the most commonly exceeded?
Depending on the applicable standard is QCVN 14 or QCVN 40, the main parameters to be treated include COD, BOD, TSS (suspended solids), Ammonia, TN (total nitrogen), TP (total phosphorus); in which the most difficult to handle is Ammonia & TN. If Ammonia and TN are removed well, other remaining parameters obviously meet the standard.
2. Why do enterprises now face with difficulties in choosing solutions?
- Solutions need large footprint area or too expensive cost;
- Many small Wastewater Treatment Contractors offering cheaper cost, but not ensure quality and fail to provide good after-sales service;
- Lack of resource & skills to operate the system;
- Lack of technology knowledge to compare and choose the suitable contractor;
- Having experienced with bad quality wastewater treatment system, and loosing trust in contractors;
- Pressure from local authorities.
3. What called Smart B ?
SmartB is the trade name of domestic wastewater treatment solution launched by NGO on the basis of moving or static microorganism filter (biofilm), capable of overcoming the disadvantages of traditional activated sludge technology or MBBR, commits to stable processing efficiency while ensuring low investment costs.
4. Eight out-standing advantages of SmartB
- Low power consumption (<0.2kWh)
- Total volume required for treatment system always less than total discharge capacity.
- Microbiology completely not exist suspended in wastewater but adheres to materials layers in the form of biofilm, which lead to high shock-resistance capacity of microbiology when the environment and discharging activities have been changed, maintain stable treatment results;
- Sludge density reaches 8000 mg / l; decreases up to 50% area compared to traditional solutions.
- Exceptionally effective treatment of ammonium, including high-grade ammonium with ammonium concentration of more than 60 mg / L due to environmental separation for reducing COD, BOD microorganisms and nitrifying bacteria (nitrifiers)
- Small volume of sludge, sludge discharging cycle is more than 06 months;
- Simple operation, don’t worry about wash-out or loss of microorganisms during operation, no need to manage the flocs of microorganisms in reaction tanks.
- Mobile design system and easy transportation when relocating or transferring.
5. Smart B Treatment Process
Wastewater after coarse screening and grease removal, shall be pumped into the SmartB treatment system, where anoxic and aerobic microbiological reactions will take place under the environment of evenly distributed DO (Dissolved oxygen) within the reaction tanks. Dissolved oxygen is controlled less than 0.3 in anoxic tank and more than 1.0 in aerobic tank. Anoxic tank has the function of removing COD, BOD and NO3-. Aerobic tank functions as removing COD, BOD, and NH4 +. After the organic and nutrient components are thoroughly treated in microbiological tanks, water will be filtered in the Filter tank to remove most of the suspended solids TSS before being discharged into the environment.
6. Why NGO is your good choice?
- We are equipped with excellent technological background, being representatives of many worldwide well-known technology brands in Vietnam with strong development strategy.
- Successfully proven through more than 30 projects.
- With NGOs, enterprises will be instructed with tools to perform water quality testing on their own, without relying on third parties, thus can self-check the quality of contractors and any testing service agency;
- After-sales service is always available for any advice, support or troubleshooting through telephone, zalo, or in-site support.
- Water quality after treatment is stable, no worry about Government’s inspection
Case study 1: Project in Bac Giang Province
Case study 2: Project in Vinh Phuc Province
If your business is interested in solution to inlet water treatment, or has a demand for ion exchange materials, please contact NGO via phone number (024) 3566 8225 or email for direct consultation.
Wastewater treatment
A standard domestic wastewater
B standard domestic wastewater
Pig Farm Wastewater
Textile dyeing wastewater
Paper industry wastewater solution
Textile Dyeing Wastewater & Industrial Washing
Slaughter wastewater treatment solution
Aquaculture wastewater
Starch wastewater
Petroleum wastewater
Beer wastewater
Other industrial wastewaters
BioPM - Organic Industrial wastewater treatment solution
MBR solutions
Conventional activated sludge (CAS)
Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
Anaerobic- Anoxic-Aerobic (AAO)
Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
Physical & Chemical methods
Supply water treatment
Cooling system water
Water treatment for food and Beverage production
Ultra pure water supply solution for electronic industry
Pure water supply for pharmaceutical manufacturers
Water Supply treatment with ion exchange method
Ordor Treatment